Power her potential: CREW Network Foundation...
Joey Barbour, proprietor of The Blind Barbour will lead up to 22 TCREW members through the process of Bourbon Tasting! To comply with current COVID restrictions, there will be two separate thirty-minute tastings of four different bourbons with one-half of the group inside tasting while the other half outside networking. After the first tasting, each half will switch. Following the tastings, there will be one-hour of networking for the entire group.
During each tasting, Joey will share the proper techniques for bourbon tasting with our TCREW members and show us how to compare the clarity, nose (or aromas), taste, and finish of a selection of bourbons. During a blind tasting, we will try all four samples. Joey will talk about the flavors of each bourbon and then he will reveal the brand and type of each bourbon tasted. Once revealed, Joey Barbour will share the important details in the making of each bourbon. Details will include information about each bourbon’s distillery, the bourbon’s aging process, the type of grain used, and more fun facts that make a difference in the taste of each bourbon. We’ll end the tasting sessions with an open Q&A.
SPONSORED BY: Phillips Architecture and HITT
Limited to 22 TCREW Members. Register NOW to ensure a spot for this TCREW networking event!
Since 2016, Joey Barbour and his staff at the Blind Barbour have been stirring up specialty cocktails including an extensive selection of bourbons, also known as “antique spirits” at the Blind Barbour. Since early 2016 The Blind Barbour has evolved into the quintessential neighborhood bar where neighbors and friends can meet and enjoy their favorite bourbon or other special cocktail. Joey Barbour shares his passion for bourbon with his guests by offering bourbon tastings, giving his guests that may be new to bourbon an opportunity to join the growing wave of interest in bourbons and new craft distilleries that compete in the small-batch whiskey market across America.