Triangle Crew

The Changing Landscape of Senior Housing

In commercial real estate, the saying is always LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION, but what does that mean for senior housing? Developers have varying perspectives on this and the evolving landscape as seniors' preferences change. We have assembled a panel of experts, moderated by Lesley McAdams, delve deeper into the changing landscape of senior housing.

RDU Update

Hear directly from RDU’s President and CEO, Michael Landguth, about how the pandemic has wreaked havoc on RDU Airport’s once booming business with the demand for air travel plunging to unprecedented lows amid the global health crisis and how we, the business community of the Greater Triangle area, can help RDU gain economic recovery faster.

Racial Inequity and the Practice of Redlining

Although redlining was outlawed by the courts decades ago, it continues to this day. Our panel will share their experience and insight to help us understand the history of redlining and its evolution through the years. We will also discuss ways to bring awareness of redlining to real estate developers and government agencies to prevent it from continuing. What do we need to do to prevent racial inequity caused by redlining? Register today to find out.